• 2021-04-14
    On Studies by Francis Bacon is a short story of the author's own reading experience.
  • 内容

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      Which of the following adjectives can be used to describe Francis Bacon's essays?

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      Who is the author of The Merchant of Venice?( ) A: Geoffrey Chaucer B: Francis Bacon C: Jane Austen D: William Shakespeare

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      According to the passage, we may paraphrase Francis Bacon's words "Writing makes one exact." as "In his essay 'On Studies', Francis Bacon says that ______." A: 'writing makes one exact' B: 'writing helps one express himself concisely' C: 'writing helps one express himself correctly' D: 'writing trains you to express yourself exactly'

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      Why does the author mention her own internship experience?

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      Which of the following is the short story of Virginia Woolf? ( ). A: Kew Gardens B: Mrs. Dalloway C: Jacob’s Room D: A Room of One’s Own