What should do when check in the hotel with a reservation?
Offer the name of reservation.
Check the reservation. Show the passport/ID card. Confirm the information of breakfast.
Check the reservation. Show the passport/ID card. Confirm the information of breakfast.
- What should you do to check in the hotel when you have a reservation?
- What should be included in a hotel reservation form?
- 中国大学MOOC: What may you do when you check in at the hotel?
- The identification is unnecessary to present when you check into the hotel as it can be seen in the hotel reservation system.
- When receiving a telephone call for dining reservation, what should the reservationist do to help the guests?
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What do you have to do before leave hotel() A: check out B: check in C: check ove D: check on
- 1
If you have a reservation, just tell the hotel receptionist your full name when you check in.
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What should be done first when there are no available times for the guest to make a reservation:
- 3
what should the reservation clerk says first when he/sheanswers the phone?
- 4
What will people have to do when they travel by air?( ) A: Watch an in-fight movie B: Buy a ticket C: Check in at the hotel D: Go through security