• 2021-04-14
    All the staff members are encouraged to _____ in the decision making process.
  • participate


    • 0

      Which of the following statements is NOT true about Decision making? A: The objectives, resources, and policies of the organization are determined by both of the strategic decision and knowledge decision. B: Strategic decision making plays an important guiding role in the process of management decision making. C: Knowledge-level decision making are dealing with knowledge communication and distribution. D: The units which carry out tasks are determined by operational decision making.

    • 1

      Communication is a one-way process. All participants in a communication process work together to create and sustain the meanings.

    • 2

      All our staff members will receive equal treatment _____(regardless of) race, color, nationality, sex, and religion.

    • 3

      It is a ______________ decision made by all board members of the company. A: heck B: standardize C: automatic D: collective

    • 4

      It is a _________ decision made by all board members of the company. A: cooperative B: supportive C: troublesome D: collective