• 2021-04-14
    Each week I receive a number of calls from parents who are concerned about their adult children. Most want to know what they can do to help.
    Often the parent asks, "Well, I do that, but what else can I do?"
    "Nothing," I respond.
    The following silence is deafening. Most parents don’t want to believe there is nothing they can do to straighten out their adult children.
    One mother asked me how she could motivate her 23-year-old son to finish school. He lived at home, was sullen and uncommunicative, didn’t work, didn’t help around the house, slept all day and was on the computer or out most of the night. His parents were doing their best trying to "motivate" him. They had just bought him a car because he had convinced them he needed one so he could job hunt. His mother was cutting out job ads and strategically placing them in his room. If you want to motivate him, I suggested, give him a month to find another place to live and mean it. At some level this mother knew it was the right thing but she just couldn’t bring herself to do it.
    What's the problem here? This young man has never learned how to take care of himself. He’s never had to because his parents treat him like a child – and so he remains one. If parents want their children to become mature adults they need to let them embrace life, make decisions and face the consequences of those decisions. Even when it seems guaranteed the child is heading for disaster, parents have to step back, watch and pray.
    Parents who treat their adult children like younger children are, in effect, saying "I don’t believe you can look after yourself, so I’ll do it." The message is "we don’t trust you to run your own life."
    Parents were once the centre of their child’s life. How quickly that changes! But it’s so important that parents adjust to this change. Parents must embrace a long-term vision that guides them in their decisions that will help, not hinder, their child’s development into a mature person. Part of that vision is letting the child make their own age-appropriate decisions and allowing them to face the consequences. At some point, parents must let go of their children entirely.
    Then, how could they let go? Mothers seem to struggle with this more than fathers. Fathers often are more willing to take a "tough love" approach sooner than mothers. But tough love is necessary if we want to give our adult children the best chance of making a go of life.
    I suggest that parents tell their adult children how much they love them, believe in them and know they are capable of handling life with all its inherent risks, failures and successes. Let the adult kids know you’re making some changes. No more suggestions, advice or lectures. Just listen to them, let them know you understand and that you believe they will eventually sort it out.
    One mother asked, "What if something terrible happens?"
    Something terrible might happen, or it might not. There are no guarantees. Christ tells us we will have trouble in this world. We cannot prevent our children from suffering, but we can teach them how to deal with it in a proper way.
  • B. As an introduction to the theme of the passage.C. As background information.


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      Some parents send their children to school for no other reason than because they would otherwise have to look after them all day.The sentence implies . A: some parents realize the importance of education B: some parents do not love their children at all C: some parents themselves are uneducated D: some parents think looking after children is a burden or troublesome thing

    • 1

      In modern China, an increasing number of young people are able to go to other cities or countries for study or work because __________. A: Chinese parents today are more willing to respect their children's decision B: it's hard for the children to live in harmony with their parents C: their parents force them to do so D: parents lose their control when the children grow up

    • 2

      ‎When Confucius said, "Children should not travel far when their parents are still alive. If they have no choice but to do so, they must retain some restraint.", he meant that children should not make their parents anxious about them while away from home.‏

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      Going to college is a big step for young people. Parents of new students at New York University are helping their children move in. Watch the following six brief interviews with some parents and one student, and listen to what they have to say about their feelings. Fill in the blanks according to what you have heard. Segment1 “She's a ___1__ kid. I've always been ___2___ of her. You know , it's a little ___3___ to let her go off to college.” Segment2 “I don't want to __4___ your feelings, but I'm like, I'm ready. I'm ready, I mean, I'm ready for this. You know, I've been waiting for it to happen, so I'm ready to be ___5____ , but I'm going to miss your food.” Segment3 “I am happy as can be for Louisa. She so deserves to be in New York city at NYU, right here. I couldn't be ___6___ for her.” Segment4 “___7____ moment for us, for all of our family, you know.” Segment5 “It's a big dream for her, so we're ____8____ that she's made it. We're going to miss her like crazy, but that's okay. It's a great ____9___ . So proud, so proud.” Segment6 “For me, it is peace . As a parent, you have children, you wonder what's going to take place. And now the fact that he is here now and is in one of the best schools in the nation. His future, I'm not ___10____ about, (be)cause the potential is so great.”

    • 4

      Parents have to accept their children for () they are and not () they want them to be. A: who; what B: where; who C: what; why D: how; when