英语修辞格Metonymy,Antonomasia and Synecdoche都是不直接说出事物的本来名称,而换用另一种方法或说法,以便使语言更加生动活泼
- _______ is used in "Her heart ruled her head." A: metaphor B: antonomasia C: synecdoche D: metonymy
- "He earned his bread as a dust man." It's a ________. A: metaphor B: metonymy C: synecdoche D: antonomasia
- The following statement "There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of a Frenchman" is an example of______. A: metonymy B: synecdoche C: antonomasia D: personification
- “中国还有一句成语,三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮。”这句话中采用了哪种修辞手法? A: synecdoche B: metaphor C: metonymy D: antonomasia
- 智慧职教: 巧用修辞,可以让我们的语言生动,并且也是语言技巧的一种体现,更加容易被对方接受。以下说法,不符合修辞语句的是( )。