What color is considered safe color in business world?
- Brown is a safe color for job interviews.
- —What's your favorite color?—My favorite color is ________.
- 你最喜欢哪一钟颜色? A: What color do you like the best? B: Which color do you like the best? C: What is the best color for you? D: What color have you like the best?
- [color=#000000]编写程序,让屏幕上显示出信息“ [/color][color=#000000]What is the date (mm/dd/yy)? [/color][color=#000000]”并响铃 [/color][color=#000000]( [/color][color=#000000]响铃符为 [/color][color=#000000]07)[/color][color=#000000],然后从键盘接收数据,并按要求的格式保存在 [/color][color=#000000]date [/color][color=#000000]存储区中。[/color]
- What is color depth?