Kobe Bryants nick name is ( ).
- Which is NOT the nick name for New York?
- In China, what is the “nick name” of SPRING WIND?
- What does the receptionist tell Nick? A: Jackie Baker had changed her name B: There is no one named Jackie Baker in the building
- 下面哪个表达式是给session变量赋值: A: session("?nick") B: session("nick") C: session("nick","","think") D: session("nick",null)
- The Goat Mountain”mentioned by Kobe is __________. A: a very interesting game developed by Kobe and Los Angeles Lakers B: a team formed by Kobe and run by Los Angeles Lakers C: just a metaphor, and Kobe develop his basketball skills by studying the skills of some famous basketball stars D: a popular computer game and Kobe use it to relax