• 2021-04-14
    In Against interoretation, interpretation is the revenge of the _____ upon art.
  • intellect


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      Which of the following statements about folk art is true A: Folk art is the product of professionals who have studied art. B: Decorating a wooden beam is folk art. C: Paintings on the walls of churches are usually considered folk art. D: People at a music concert are creator of folk art.

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      The architectural art of ancient Greece is the source and treasure house of European architectural art. ( )

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      How do we understand the relationship between Against interpretation and the hermeneutics?

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      h) Poe said that art should be undercurrent because too straightforward work ceased to be art.

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      Which of the following statements about fine art is true A: Fine art is purely decorative. B: Fine art is often traditional in composition and subject. C: Singing is considered to be fine art. D: The quality and quantity of fine art will decrease with industrialization.