• 2021-04-14
    13、My dad _______ calling me "The Big Cane" when I started growing taller than the other girls.A、took advantages ofB、made a chance onC、picked up forD、took delight in
  • --答案:D


    • 0

      While<br/>working as a waiter, I( )some French as<br/>there were many customers from France. A: took up B: brought up C: made up D: picked up

    • 1

      If my hall mates weren't free, I most likely ____ or picked up dinner and took it back to my dorm. A: ordered B: called in C: ordered in

    • 2

      2015 is the year when AI technology [img=93x1]17e0b2ec0fea4c4.png[/img]in a big way in the real world. A: took off B: took up C: took on D: took over

    • 3

      I have a very clear picture of what happened to me when I took my first examination in primary school.

    • 4

      I am______ 想起 of my own high school graduation and the photo (that) my mom took of my dad and me.