• 2021-04-14
    Have you ever observed that ______ ? In other words, people who are similar become friends or do things together.

  • birds of a feather flock together


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      When you explain the meaning, it is also helpful to build a__________ of meaning with other synonyms, using a phrase like, “What other words do you know which have the same meaning as or similar meaning to XXX?”

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      Professor King’s book will show you ____ can be used in other context. A: that you have observed B: that how you have observed C: how that you have observed D: how what you have observed

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      If you have , you have the ability to decide what to do next and to do it, without needing other people to tell you what to do.

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      An age cohort consists of people of similar ages who have similar experiences. ( )

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      Do you know the things and people they are talking about in the hall? A: who B: which C: that D: whom