• 2021-04-14
    A. GRANT All ON Student TO User1, User2; B. GRANT Student ON All TO User1, User2; C. GRANT All TO Student ON User1, User2; D. GRANT All TO User1, User2 ON Student;
  • GRANT All ON Student TO User1, User2;



    • 0

      把对Student表和Course表的全部操作权授予用户User1和User2的语句是() A: GRANTAllONStudent,CourseTOUser1,User2; B: GRANTStudent,CourseONAllTOUser1,User2; C: GRANTAllTOStudent,CourseONUser1,User2; D: GRANTAllTOUser1,User2ONStudent,Course;

    • 1

      You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization.You have a user named User1 and a user named User2. You need to ensure that User1 can add User2 to the From field when he sends e-mail messages. Messages that have User2 in the From field must display only User2 as the message sender to recipients Who receive the messages. What should you use?() A: Active Directory Users and Computers B: Exchange Control Panel (ECP) C: Exchange Management Console (EMC) D: Microsoft Office Outlook

    • 2

      用户user1创建了一张表tab1,现在想让用户user2能插入数据到表tab1,请补齐赋予user2权限的语句。grant insert on to user2;

    • 3

      【多选题】下面语句可以实现查询user表中“zhangsan”的user,password,logins信息的是 A. select logins,user,password from user where name like ’%zhangsan%’; B. select user,password,logins, from user where name like ’zhangsan’; C. select password,logins,user from user where name=’zhangsan’ limit 1; D. select user,password,logins from user where name=’zhangsan’;

    • 4

      下面使用DROP USER语句删除用户user1的语句中,正确的是()