• 2021-04-14
    Which lexical cohesion strategy has been used in the following paragraph? He fell asleep. What woke him was a loud crash.
  • antonymy


    • 0

      - It’s time to work now.- OK. I’ll wake Carl up. He for an hour. A: has fallen asleep B: has been asleep C: fell asleep D: falls asleep

    • 1

      Find out which kind of cohesion is used in the following discourse. -"I saw him playing football just now." -"But, how is that possible? He broke his leg yesterday!"

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      ()the Charterer seeks to say that the contract has been frustrated or that there has been an anticipatory breach which entitles him to rescind,then he has such rights as are given him at common law.

    • 3

      His brother ______ for half an hour . A: A . fell asleep B: B . has gone to sleep C: C . goes to sleep D: D . has been asleep

    • 4

      Which is NOT the way of creating lexical cohesion?