• 2021-04-14
    The better English collocation for the Chinese phrase “欣赏风景” could be:
  • enjoy sceneryappreciate nature


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      Please offer the proper Chinese meaning of the English phrase "watch your weight". A: 体重减轻 B: 体重增加 C: 控制体重

    • 1

      What could Mary's cat say She could say (). A: the English word cat B: Mary's name C: cat in Chinese

    • 2

      Choose the Chinese translation for the English phrase morning. A: zhōngwǔ B: wǎnshɑng C: zǎoshɑng D: shàngwǔ

    • 3

      Choose the Chinese translation for the English phrase evening. A: xiàwǔ B: zhōngwǔ C: wǎnshɑng D: zǎoshɑng

    • 4

      —Which do you like [u]          [/u], Chinese , Math or English? —English. A: best B: better C: well D: Good