• 2022-06-01
    To start a practical transaction, we take pleasure  making you a special offer.‍
    A: to
    B: in
    C: for
    D: of
  • B


    • 0

      We take pleasure in _________ you a copy of our price-list.

    • 1

      We take pride in ________ you the best quality. A: offering B: offer C: offered D: to offer

    • 2

      In order to ______you with the textiles we handle, we take pleasure in sending you by air our latest catalogue for your perusal.

    • 3

      By “We are happy to accept your offer provided that you cut your price by 2%.”, the write is making a/an ( ). A: inquiry B: offer C: counter-offer D: order

    • 4

      Do you have any snacks? A: Our special today is cabbage in oyster sauce. B: We’ve got chips, fries, and peanuts. C: We offer special menus for different diets.