要在tbAddress表中更新记录,下面哪条语句是正确的?( )
A: Update tbAddress Set strName="萌萌",intAge=22 Where ID=2
B: Update tbAddress Set strName=萌萌,intAge=22 Where strName=萌萌
C: Update tbAddress Set dtmSubmit=2008-10-1 Where strName="萌萌"
D: Update tbAddress Set intAge=18
A: Update tbAddress Set strName="萌萌",intAge=22 Where ID=2
B: Update tbAddress Set strName=萌萌,intAge=22 Where strName=萌萌
C: Update tbAddress Set dtmSubmit=2008-10-1 Where strName="萌萌"
D: Update tbAddress Set intAge=18
- 下面哪条语句可以查询姓“赵”并且年龄等于22岁的用户,请问用哪条语句?( ) A: Select * From tbAddress Where strName="赵" And intAge=22 B: Select * From tbAddress Where strName like "赵%" And intAge="22" C: Select * From tbAddress Where strName like "赵%" And intAge=22 D: Select * From tbAddress Where strName like "%赵%" And intAge=22
- 下面选项中,能够更新user表中数据的SQL语句是() A: update into user set id = 'u001'; B: update user set id = 'u001' and username='jack'; C: update user set username='jack' where id = 1; D: update into user set id = 'u001', username='jack';
- 把student表中id字段值小于3的记录,将这些记录的grade字段值都更新为100() A: UPDATE FROM student SET grade=100 where id<;3 B: UPDATE student SET grade=100 where id<;3 C: UPDATE student SET grade=100 D: UPDATE INTO student SET grade=100 where id<;3
- 将所有计算机系学生的年龄增加1岁的正确语句是:( )。 A: UPDATE SET Student.Sage = Student .Sage + 1 WHERE Student.Sdept = 'CS'; B: UPDATE Student SET Sage + 1 WHERE Sdept = 'CS'; C: UPDATE Student SET Sage =Sage + 1 WHERE Sdept = 'CS'; D: UPDATE Student SET Sage += 1 WHERE Sdept = 'CS';
- 更新student表id=1的记录,name值更新为”youjun”,grade值更新为98.5,下列选项中,能够完成上述功能的SQL语句是 A: UPDATE student set name=’youjun’ grade=98.5 where id=1; B: UPDATE student set name=’youjun’, grade=98.5 where id=1; C: UPDATE FROM student set name=’youjun’ ,grade=98.5 where id=1; D: UPDATE student Values name=’youjun’ grade=98.5 where id=1;