• 2022-06-04 问题

    以下结构体的定义语句中,正确的是() A: structstudent{intnum;charname[10];intage;};stu; B: struct{intnum;charname[10];intage;}student;structstudentstu; C: structstudent{intnum;charname[10];intage;}stu; D: structstudent{intnum;charname[10];intage;};studentstu;

    以下结构体的定义语句中,正确的是() A: structstudent{intnum;charname[10];intage;};stu; B: struct{intnum;charname[10];intage;}student;structstudentstu; C: structstudent{intnum;charname[10];intage;}stu; D: structstudent{intnum;charname[10];intage;};studentstu;

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    下面方法中那个方法是方法publicbooleanbeSame(StringotherName){……}的重构方法()。 A: publicbooleanbeSame(Stringname,intage){……} B: publicbooleanbeSame(Stringname){……} C: publicbooleanbeSame(Stringname,intage,doublegrade){……} D: publicbooleanbeSame(intage,Stringname){……}

    下面方法中那个方法是方法publicbooleanbeSame(StringotherName){……}的重构方法()。 A: publicbooleanbeSame(Stringname,intage){……} B: publicbooleanbeSame(Stringname){……} C: publicbooleanbeSame(Stringname,intage,doublegrade){……} D: publicbooleanbeSame(intage,Stringname){……}

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    下面哪条语句可以查询姓“赵”并且年龄等于22岁的用户,请问用哪条语句?( ) A: Select * From tbAddress Where strName="赵" And intAge=22 B: Select * From tbAddress Where strName like "赵%" And intAge="22" C: Select * From tbAddress Where strName like "赵%" And intAge=22 D: Select * From tbAddress Where strName like "%赵%" And intAge=22

    下面哪条语句可以查询姓“赵”并且年龄等于22岁的用户,请问用哪条语句?( ) A: Select * From tbAddress Where strName="赵" And intAge=22 B: Select * From tbAddress Where strName like "赵%" And intAge="22" C: Select * From tbAddress Where strName like "赵%" And intAge=22 D: Select * From tbAddress Where strName like "%赵%" And intAge=22

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    下面哪条语句可以查询姓“张”并且年龄等于20岁的用户,请问用哪条语句? A: Select * From table Where name like "%张%" And intAge=20 B: Select * From table Where name like "张%" And intAge=20 C: Select * From table Where name like "张%" And intAge="20" D: Select * From table Where name="张" And intAge=20

    下面哪条语句可以查询姓“张”并且年龄等于20岁的用户,请问用哪条语句? A: Select * From table Where name like "%张%" And intAge=20 B: Select * From table Where name like "张%" And intAge=20 C: Select * From table Where name like "张%" And intAge="20" D: Select * From table Where name="张" And intAge=20

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    要在tbAddress表中更新记录,下面哪条语句是正确的?( ) A: Update tbAddress Set strName="萌萌",intAge=22 Where ID=2 B: Update tbAddress Set strName=萌萌,intAge=22 Where strName=萌萌 C: Update tbAddress Set dtmSubmit=2008-10-1 Where strName="萌萌" D: Update tbAddress Set intAge=18

    要在tbAddress表中更新记录,下面哪条语句是正确的?( ) A: Update tbAddress Set strName="萌萌",intAge=22 Where ID=2 B: Update tbAddress Set strName=萌萌,intAge=22 Where strName=萌萌 C: Update tbAddress Set dtmSubmit=2008-10-1 Where strName="萌萌" D: Update tbAddress Set intAge=18

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    类中定义如下方法:publicvoidinit(intindex,Stringname){...},则以下方法不构成对该方法重载的是()。 A: publicvoidinit(Stringname,intindex){...} B: publicvoidinit(intindex,Stringname,intage){...} C: publicbooleaninit(intage,Stringname){...} D: publicvoidinit(Stringid,Stringname){...}

    类中定义如下方法:publicvoidinit(intindex,Stringname){...},则以下方法不构成对该方法重载的是()。 A: publicvoidinit(Stringname,intindex){...} B: publicvoidinit(intindex,Stringname,intage){...} C: publicbooleaninit(intage,Stringname){...} D: publicvoidinit(Stringid,Stringname){...}

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    若structstudent {intnum; intage; }stu[3]={{1001,18},{1002,19},{1003,20}}; 则下面语句中引用非法的是()

    若structstudent {intnum; intage; }stu[3]={{1001,18},{1002,19},{1003,20}}; 则下面语句中引用非法的是()

  • 2021-06-08 问题



  • 2022-05-31 问题

    定义一维数组正确的是() A: int[]age; B: double[3]age; C: intage[3]; D: doubleage[3];

    定义一维数组正确的是() A: int[]age; B: double[3]age; C: intage[3]; D: doubleage[3];

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    以下代码运行输出是()classMan{ privateStringname=Jack; intage=30;}publicclassManTest{ publicStringtel; publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){ Manm=newMan(); System.out.println(m.name); }}

    以下代码运行输出是()classMan{ privateStringname=Jack; intage=30;}publicclassManTest{ publicStringtel; publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){ Manm=newMan(); System.out.println(m.name); }}

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