There might be __________ about the president's mistake
A: much news<br>
B: many news
A: much news<br>
B: many news
- 要给表单控件设置标签,以下代码中正确的是()。 A: <INPUTtype="checkbox"name="news"><LABELfor="news">新闻</LABEL> B: <INPUTtype="checkbox"for="news"><LABELid="news">新闻</LABEL> C: <INPUTtype="checkbox"for="news"><LABELname="news">新闻</LABEL> D: <INPUTtype="checkbox"id="news"><LABELfor="news">新闻</LABEL>
- Passive<br/>sentences are more frequently used except for_____________. A: news<br/>about conflicts. B: news<br/>about weather. C: news<br/>about wars. D: news<br/>about disasters.
- There might be▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ about his mistake. A: much doubt B: many doubts
- 下面HTML标记中,表示换行的是( ) 。 A: <p></p> B: <br></br> C: <br/> D: </br>
- What’s the_____ news about the economic development?