The cantilever beam shown here is subjected to two equal and opposite couples,for the section B( ).[img=414x136]1803a25c3173b7f.jpg[/img]
A: The deflection is zero, the angle of rotation is not zero
B: The deflection is not zero, the angle of rotation is zero
C: Deflection and angle of rotation are both not zero
D: Both deflection and angle of rotation are both zero
A: The deflection is zero, the angle of rotation is not zero
B: The deflection is not zero, the angle of rotation is zero
C: Deflection and angle of rotation are both not zero
D: Both deflection and angle of rotation are both zero
- The rotation angle of the cross section at the maximum deflection of the beam must be equal to zero. ( )
- The rotation angle of the cross section at the maximum deflection of the beam must be equal to zero. ( ) A: 正确 B: 错误
- If the section figure has a symmetry axis, then for the figure ( ) to its symmetry axis. A: Both the static moment of inertia and the moment of inertia are not zero; B: Both the static moment of inertia and the moment of inertia are zero; C: The static moment of inertia is not zero, the moment of inertia is zero; D: The static moment of inertia is zero, the moment of inertia is not zero.
- In the following cantilever beam, the ( ) of the cross-section C and B is different.[img=540x190]1803a365910cafa.png[/img] A: Slope angle θ; B: Shear force Fs; C: Deflection y; D: Bending moment M.
- In the following cantilever beam, the ( ) of the cross-section C and B is different.[img=617x199]1803a0fa75c83b4.jpg[/img] A: bending moment M B: shear force V C: deflection v D: slope angle [img=9x19]1803a0fa7e46ed5.png[/img]