The fasciculus cuneatus is originated from the spinal ganglia above segment T4 of spinal cord.
- According to the location of the nerve in and out of the spinal canal, the spinal cord can be divided into ( ). A: Cervical spinal cord B: Thoracic spinal cord C: Lumbar spinal cord D: Sacral spinal cord E: Caudal spinal cord
- A spinal segment is defined as region of the spinal cord that A: corresponds to a collection of nerves passing up or down within the white matter B: corresponds to the region of the vertebral column (i.e. cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral) to which spinal nerves arise C: refers to a region of the spinal cord from which a pair of spinal nerves arises D: underlines the neural arch of a particular vertebra in the adult
- For study purposes, the nervous system may be divided into the (1), consisting of the brain and spinal cord, and the (2), consisting of all nervous tissue outside the brain and spinal cord.
- The word "myelopathy" means _______________. A: inflammation of the spinal cord B: a disease of the spinal cord C: a disease of the thyroid gland D: inflammation of the pituitary gland
- Renshaw cells are inhabitory cells in the central horn of the spinal cord.
- 0
The meninges of the brain and spinal cord include the______ ______ and ______ .
- 1
The peripheral nervous system(PNS) consists of () A: brain ,brain stem 脑,脑干 B: brain, cranial nerves 脑,脑神经 C: spinal cord,brain stem脊髓,脑干 D: spinal cord , spinal nerves 脊髓,脊神经 E: spinal nerves ,cranial nerves脊神经,脑神经
- 2
Interneurons<br/>connect the brain and spinal cord by transmitting signals to and<br/>from them () A: True B: False
- 3
Which are causes of neurogenic shock? () A: spinal cord anesthesia B: hemorrhage C: spinal injury D: fungi infection E: Severe pain
- 4
Which term does not belong with the others? A: A. brain B: B. spinal cord C: C. CNS D: D. spinal nerv