Your temperature is 39.8℃.这句话中“℃”读作()
- Your BP is 135/85 mmHg.这句话中“/”读作( )
- 中国大学MOOC: Your BP is 135/85 mmHg.这句话中“/”读作( )
- Consider a scenario in which your core body temperature increases to 38.5 ℃. What would happen to your body temperature if a NEGATIVE feedback mechanism responded to this change? _____ A: Your body temperature would increase further. B: There would be no change in your body temperature. C: Your body temperature would drop. D: Your body would have a new normal core temperature of 91°
- 6 Your body temperature is 39.5 degrees. ________________
- “宣城人真不错啊!”这句话中的“啊”应读作()。