• 2022-06-03
    The business management team will prepare a report ______ our strategy for the next five years.
    A: (A) outlines
    B: (B) outlined
    C: (C) outlining
    D: (D) be outlined
  • C


    • 0

      The world leaders outlined joint efforts to ____________ the spread of nuclear weapons.

    • 1

      中国大学MOOC: Some technical problems___________ are outlined here.

    • 2

      The core of the innovation and start-up competition includes ( ). A: Business opportunity B: Competitive strategy C: Team composition D: Development prospect

    • 3

      My _____ is that exports will double over the next five years.

    • 4

      The summit talk outlined the ( ) within which subsequent negotiations would proceed. A: frame B: teamwork C: framework D: sculpture