• 2022-06-03
    B: What are you doingnow, Steven?S: I am reading a___________ about money management.B: Oh, my God. Do youwant to be a millionaire? I can see you arevery crazy about money.S: Everyone wants to_______ a lot of money. Don’t you think so?What’s more, I am interested inmoney management.B: No. Money can’tbuy happiness and health. I won’t sacrifice my___________ in order toget more money. Inother words, I don’t wantto be a millionaire and I want to havemore____________ to enjoy life.S: Oh, I see. But aproverb says “Money makes the mare go ( 有钱能使鬼推磨).” I think it willbe___________ if youhave more money.B: Maybe you areright. Please take care of yourself when you makemoney. Anyway health is themost important thing.S: Thank you for youradvice. I will.