• 2022-06-05 问题

    I'm going to succeed inbusiness,youhave to be ready to________.

    I'm going to succeed inbusiness,youhave to be ready to________.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Youhave no idea ofthe pain I feel right now. A: 你根本无法理解现在的我有多难过。 B: 你根本无法理解我所遭受的痛苦

    Youhave no idea ofthe pain I feel right now. A: 你根本无法理解现在的我有多难过。 B: 你根本无法理解我所遭受的痛苦

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    You will have to wait until youhave saved enough money. A: 你必须一直等待。 B: 你要想方设法攒够钱。 C: 在攒够钱之前,你得耐心等待。 D: 你将要攒够足够多的钱才算成功。

    You will have to wait until youhave saved enough money. A: 你必须一直等待。 B: 你要想方设法攒够钱。 C: 在攒够钱之前,你得耐心等待。 D: 你将要攒够足够多的钱才算成功。

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    B: What are you doingnow, Steven?S: I am reading a___________ about money management.B: Oh, my God. Do youwant to be a millionaire? I can see you arevery crazy about money.S: Everyone wants to_______ a lot of money. Don’t you think so?What’s more, I am interested inmoney management.B: No. Money can’tbuy happiness and health. I won’t sacrifice my___________ in order toget more money. Inother words, I don’t wantto be a millionaire and I want to havemore____________ to enjoy life.S: Oh, I see. But aproverb says “Money makes the mare go ( 有钱能使鬼推磨).” I think it willbe___________ if youhave more money.B: Maybe you areright. Please take care of yourself when you makemoney. Anyway health is themost important thing.S: Thank you for youradvice. I will.

    B: What are you doingnow, Steven?S: I am reading a___________ about money management.B: Oh, my God. Do youwant to be a millionaire? I can see you arevery crazy about money.S: Everyone wants to_______ a lot of money. Don’t you think so?What’s more, I am interested inmoney management.B: No. Money can’tbuy happiness and health. I won’t sacrifice my___________ in order toget more money. Inother words, I don’t wantto be a millionaire and I want to havemore____________ to enjoy life.S: Oh, I see. But aproverb says “Money makes the mare go ( 有钱能使鬼推磨).” I think it willbe___________ if youhave more money.B: Maybe you areright. Please take care of yourself when you makemoney. Anyway health is themost important thing.S: Thank you for youradvice. I will.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Task 5 Directions: There is an advertisementblow. After reading it, you are required to complete the statements that follow the questions (No. 56 to No. 60). You should write your answers in no more than3 words on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. When you buy life insurance, you want a policy that fits your needs at a reasonable cost. Your first step is to determine how much life insurance you need. Next, you need to decide how much money you can afford topay. Finally, you must choose the type of policy that meets your coverage ( 保险类别) goals and fits into your financial plan. Once youhave completed these steps, you will be able to move ahead and contact several life insurance companies through an agent who will shop for the right type of policy for you. There are many reasons for purchasing life insurance, among which are the following: 1. Insurance to provide family protection and financial security to surviving family members upon the death of the insured person. 2. Insurance to cover a particular need upon the insured’s death such as paying off a mortgage or other debts. 56.What should you take into consideration when choosing a life insurance policy? Both your needs and the .

    Task 5 Directions: There is an advertisementblow. After reading it, you are required to complete the statements that follow the questions (No. 56 to No. 60). You should write your answers in no more than3 words on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. When you buy life insurance, you want a policy that fits your needs at a reasonable cost. Your first step is to determine how much life insurance you need. Next, you need to decide how much money you can afford topay. Finally, you must choose the type of policy that meets your coverage ( 保险类别) goals and fits into your financial plan. Once youhave completed these steps, you will be able to move ahead and contact several life insurance companies through an agent who will shop for the right type of policy for you. There are many reasons for purchasing life insurance, among which are the following: 1. Insurance to provide family protection and financial security to surviving family members upon the death of the insured person. 2. Insurance to cover a particular need upon the insured’s death such as paying off a mortgage or other debts. 56.What should you take into consideration when choosing a life insurance policy? Both your needs and the .

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