Dickens took the French Revolution as the background of A Tale of Two Cities, and the two cities are Paris and London.
- ______ takes the French Revolution as the subject of the novel and the two cities are Paris and London in the time of the Revolution. A: Our Mutual Friend B: Great Expectation C: A Tale of Two Cities D: Hard Times
- In Dickens’ novel A<br/>Tale of Two Cities, the “Two cities” refer to London and ____. A: Dublin B: Vienna C: New York D: Paris
- Charles Dickens takes the French Revolution as the background in the novel--- _____. A: A Tale of Two Cities B: Great Expectations C: Hard Times D: David Copperfield
- Charles Dickens takes the French Revolution as the background of his novel ______. A: Great Expectations B: A Tale of Two Cities C: Bleak House D: Oliver Twist
- The background of ______, a novel by Dickens, is set in the French Revolution. A: Oliver Twist B: A Tale of Two Cities C: David Copperfield D: Great Expectations