Confucius once said “No mountains home and abroad could be compared to Anhui’s Huangshan Mountain. There is no desire for climbing other mountains after a visit to Mount Huangshan, the viewing (of other mountains) stops.”( )
A: 对
B: 错
A: 对
B: 错
- 中国大学MOOC: 五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳。【译文】Trips to China’s five great mountains (i.e., Mount Tai in the east, the Huashan Mountain in the west, the Hengshan Mountain in the south, the Hengshan Mountain in the north and the Songshan Mountain in the middle) render trips to other mountains unnecessary and a trip to the Huangshan Mountain, to the China’s five great mountains unnecessary.
- Which of the following is the mountain among the China's Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains? A: Mount Putuo B: Mount Huangshan C: Mount Kunlun D: Mount Wuyi
- Among the Wuyue (Five Sacred Mountains) in China, Mount Huangshan is the best.。( )
- _______ is the leader of the "Five Sacred Mountains". A: Mount Huangshan B: Mount Emei C: Mount Taishan D: Mount Wuyi
- What are the three great mountains ? A: Mount Lushan B: Mount Yandangshan C: Mount Huangshan D: Mount Taishan