• 2021-04-14
    By which date China has dispatched over 380 medical teams,incorporating 41,600 medics to the virus in Hubei?
  • By Feb. 23.


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      Which city has been the administrative center of China?

    • 1

      The Analects has influenced all _______, ________ and _________ in the over 2,000-year-long history of China after Confucius.

    • 2

      Which of the following personnel is a resident taxpayer of China? A: Zhang, who has no domicile and has resided for 30 days in China B: Liu, who has no domicile and has resided for 60 days in China C: Li, who has no domicile and has resided for 90 days in China D: Wang, who has no domicile and has resided for 183 days in China

    • 3

      Long days of work and no rest _____ the medical personnel who have been fighting against the virus and trying to save more patients’ lives. A: has strained out B: has stretched out C: has stressed out D: has spanned out

    • 4

      China has a/an ______ population of over 1.6 billion. A: enormous B: adequate C: functional D: fruitful