• 2021-04-14 问题

    Designs and colors are a combination of creativity and _______ , incorporating elements of traditional Chinese culture.

    Designs and colors are a combination of creativity and _______ , incorporating elements of traditional Chinese culture.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    By which date China has dispatched over 380 medical teams,incorporating 41,600 medics to the virus in Hubei?

    By which date China has dispatched over 380 medical teams,incorporating 41,600 medics to the virus in Hubei?

  • 2022-06-18 问题

    以下哪个选项与题干内容相一致? 未知类型:{'label': 'questionDesc', 'content': '请选择正确答案。', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181} 未知类型:{'label': 'source', 'content': '2019年6月 四级 卷三 信息匹配 Make Stuff, Fail, And Learn While You’re At It', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181} A: Making will be boring unless students are able to take charge. B: Making can be related to a project, but it is created and carried out by students themselves. C: The author suggests incorporating the idea of a maker space into a school curriculum. D: The maker concept is a modern version of some ancient philosophical ideas.

    以下哪个选项与题干内容相一致? 未知类型:{'label': 'questionDesc', 'content': '请选择正确答案。', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181} 未知类型:{'label': 'source', 'content': '2019年6月 四级 卷三 信息匹配 Make Stuff, Fail, And Learn While You’re At It', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181} A: Making will be boring unless students are able to take charge. B: Making can be related to a project, but it is created and carried out by students themselves. C: The author suggests incorporating the idea of a maker space into a school curriculum. D: The maker concept is a modern version of some ancient philosophical ideas.

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    III.Read the following passage. Then choose one or more correct answersfor each question10-13.(4×1’=4marks)'It was so good that my brother, Hash, can type faster than most people using both hands,' said the managing director and founder of KeyPoint Technologies, based in the Innovation Centre, Hillington, Glasgow. 'It helped him use his left hand effectively - and it gave him the confidence to paint again with that hand.' Hash's accident, which left him disabled, was also the genesis of the software application, written and devised by Sanjay Patel, now 38, that is set to change the way we punch information into our mobile phones and computer keyboards. Patel and his associates, John Locker, a former games developer, and Dr Mark Dunlop of Strathclyde University and a leading authority on user interface systems, have created AdapTex, a language processing system that cuts down keystroking by around 80%. The software analyses the user's writing patterns and predicts words, cutting down on the number of keystrokes required. It has seen some of the technology industry's biggest players knocking at Patel's door. 'Originally it was an ergonomic idea targeting people with disabilities, but the more research I did, I thought this applies to more than disabled people. The driving force was to reduce the actual physical activity. So in 1997 I started working on creating a piece of software for the mass market that would learn your language traits. It made me realise how inefficient we were when it comes to writing information with e-mail, text messaging, and word-processing on a keyboard. Everybody wants to go faster, so they build the technologies to move faster; what hasn't changed is the human ability to use that technology more effectively,' he said. 'We don't want to change people's practices, we have to complement or improve them. But you can't expect people to change unless you make things better, simpler to use and non-intrusive. I think that's why AdapTex intelligence systems are creating such interest.' Over the past 15 years, Patel has worked within systems architecture in telecoms and finance. He worked for Nucleus Consulting and project-managed the setting-up of a system for the Merchants' Exchange of St Louis, under the guidance of the Chicago Board of Trade. He completed the two-year contract in a little over a year. Today Sanjay Patel lives in Partick in Glasgow. Previously from Croydon, he was encouraged to move to Scotland by the prospect of support from Scottish Enterprise,Scottish Development International and by the availability of specialist facilities at the Innovation Centre. Patels software takes the predictive text used on mobile phones to the next level: 'A mobile phone is predictive, which uses guesswork, it isn't natural. What we have created is pre-emptive because it is relevant and uses the context. It learns and reshapes itself dynamically. It is about recognition of the patterns you use and is therefore unique to the user. It remodels itself from any document to reflect the author's natural vocabulary, language traits and topics,' he said. Patel's family arrived in the UK in the 1970s after fleeing from Idi Amin's regime in Uganda. He was brought up in London and, even before his brother's accident, he was fascinated with the science of language patterns. The great selling point is that this pre-empts text in any language because it recognises the patterns,' he said. Patel is now in discussions with several large international companies interested in incorporating AdapTex into their next-generation computers. 'Some are more cautious than others, but we are on the verge of signing with one of the big PC makers, and hopefully this will mean that they all follow suit,' said Patel. He is delighted with the support he has been given in Scotland. 'I came because people understood what I was talking about. The business network here, through Global Scot, has given me introductions to the highest levels in the USA. This has been imperative.' Patel's advisers include John Falconer, a former director of Xerox, who said: The market is worth millions and Sanjay could become a very rich man. It could become a significant success story for Scotland.' 12.What characteristics of the new systems make them so fascinating for the general public? A: It completely changes the way people do things. B: It works with what people already do and makes it better. C: It can help disabled people. D: It reduces physical activity.

    III.Read the following passage. Then choose one or more correct answersfor each question10-13.(4×1’=4marks)'It was so good that my brother, Hash, can type faster than most people using both hands,' said the managing director and founder of KeyPoint Technologies, based in the Innovation Centre, Hillington, Glasgow. 'It helped him use his left hand effectively - and it gave him the confidence to paint again with that hand.' Hash's accident, which left him disabled, was also the genesis of the software application, written and devised by Sanjay Patel, now 38, that is set to change the way we punch information into our mobile phones and computer keyboards. Patel and his associates, John Locker, a former games developer, and Dr Mark Dunlop of Strathclyde University and a leading authority on user interface systems, have created AdapTex, a language processing system that cuts down keystroking by around 80%. The software analyses the user's writing patterns and predicts words, cutting down on the number of keystrokes required. It has seen some of the technology industry's biggest players knocking at Patel's door. 'Originally it was an ergonomic idea targeting people with disabilities, but the more research I did, I thought this applies to more than disabled people. The driving force was to reduce the actual physical activity. So in 1997 I started working on creating a piece of software for the mass market that would learn your language traits. It made me realise how inefficient we were when it comes to writing information with e-mail, text messaging, and word-processing on a keyboard. Everybody wants to go faster, so they build the technologies to move faster; what hasn't changed is the human ability to use that technology more effectively,' he said. 'We don't want to change people's practices, we have to complement or improve them. But you can't expect people to change unless you make things better, simpler to use and non-intrusive. I think that's why AdapTex intelligence systems are creating such interest.' Over the past 15 years, Patel has worked within systems architecture in telecoms and finance. He worked for Nucleus Consulting and project-managed the setting-up of a system for the Merchants' Exchange of St Louis, under the guidance of the Chicago Board of Trade. He completed the two-year contract in a little over a year. Today Sanjay Patel lives in Partick in Glasgow. Previously from Croydon, he was encouraged to move to Scotland by the prospect of support from Scottish Enterprise,Scottish Development International and by the availability of specialist facilities at the Innovation Centre. Patels software takes the predictive text used on mobile phones to the next level: 'A mobile phone is predictive, which uses guesswork, it isn't natural. What we have created is pre-emptive because it is relevant and uses the context. It learns and reshapes itself dynamically. It is about recognition of the patterns you use and is therefore unique to the user. It remodels itself from any document to reflect the author's natural vocabulary, language traits and topics,' he said. Patel's family arrived in the UK in the 1970s after fleeing from Idi Amin's regime in Uganda. He was brought up in London and, even before his brother's accident, he was fascinated with the science of language patterns. The great selling point is that this pre-empts text in any language because it recognises the patterns,' he said. Patel is now in discussions with several large international companies interested in incorporating AdapTex into their next-generation computers. 'Some are more cautious than others, but we are on the verge of signing with one of the big PC makers, and hopefully this will mean that they all follow suit,' said Patel. He is delighted with the support he has been given in Scotland. 'I came because people understood what I was talking about. The business network here, through Global Scot, has given me introductions to the highest levels in the USA. This has been imperative.' Patel's advisers include John Falconer, a former director of Xerox, who said: The market is worth millions and Sanjay could become a very rich man. It could become a significant success story for Scotland.' 12.What characteristics of the new systems make them so fascinating for the general public? A: It completely changes the way people do things. B: It works with what people already do and makes it better. C: It can help disabled people. D: It reduces physical activity.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. A World in Transition A) This year opens in the wake of the 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference (COP21) and the launch of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The former sets out to reach an agreement on carbon emissions, whereas the latter aims to combat poverty and inequality while protecting the environment. Both address critical sets of challenges with profound implications for the way the world operates. And both require serious considerations about energy. B) It's clear that dealing with climate change calls for deep (and, likely, total) decarbonization of our energy system, which entails a fundamental transformation of our infrastructure. It also demands immediate and rapid action, as our window for avoiding the disastrous consequences of carbon emissions is ever shrinking. Yet at the same time, global energy demand continues to rise, particularly in emerging and developing countries, raising concerns about energy security even in the developed world, where one rarely considers that the lights may not come on when the switch is flipped. How do we meet demand and still achieve the required rapid changes when making decisions about energy supply can take years, and the development and construction of energy sources can take even longer? C) Science and technology undoubtedly play a vital role. Research efforts continue to furnish us with fresh insights into fundamental phenomena that help us develop better devices and processes for generating or storing energy. For example, new studies of photovoltaics are enabling more efficient cells to be constructed, and presenting cheaper, more flexible approaches to building them; new findings into interfacial or catalytic phenomena generate advances in storage technologies that could bolster deployment of intermittent renewables and reshape the grid; a deeper understanding of materials and chemistry can offer more efficient routes to the generation of fuels. Technology innovation brings a wealth of new applications, overcoming issues of supply or energy efficiency, allowing us to address many of the challenges we face today and hopefully many of those we aren't yet aware of. D) Yet to believe that technology alone will save us is to forget that technologies must be used by people. It is not enough to just build and implement new technologies: the way we use, interact with, and think about them is critical as well. Given several options of equal scientific merit, the choice of which to pursue depends on social, cultural, economic and political factors. Thus, we shouldn't forget that science and technology form part of a bigger and more complicated system, full of important feedbacks and loops. If we can better understand the way that individuals and societies engage with energy on different levels, we can design better tools or deploy them in more appropriate ways, reaping greater rewards. E) Consider photovoltaics. Understanding how to improve the efficiency of a solar cell is just one step in the process of increasing the use of solar power: we must also know how to build modules that are long-lasting and durable; that are cheap to produce at scale and easy to install; or that can fulfil functions that other designs can't. To make solar power competitive in the marketplace, we have to think about subsidies and what level of economic support might be required over what period. There are also issues around where to install solar panels: where are good locations, why do people object to building solar farms near to them, what motivates some people to install solar power and others to refuse to adopt it? Solar power (as well as other renewable sources like wind) also enables individuals, communities, towns and cities to power themselves independently of centralized providers and to become producers of energy as well as consumers, selling excess electricity back to the grid. This gives rise to a number of further challenges for grid operation, business models, regulation and governance. And this is all to say nothing of the additional opportunities that open up when photovoltaics are linked to other technologies, like storage or smart grids. By thinking more carefully at a systems level, combining natural and social science considerations, we can move towards a more integrated, flexible energy system that better fulfills our goals. F) No one discipline can truly claim to have all the answers to our energy challenges. What is needed is a multiplicity of voices---a combined effort from many disciplines all trying to understand how we can facilitate the energy transition but also all interacting with one another, sharing the benefits of their wisdom for the mutual good. Of course, this multitude speaks many different languages. Multi- and interdisciplinary studies ---of which there are an ever-growing number---help here by playing an increasingly important role in removing the traditional boundaries between groups and broadening the conversation. G) By orienting itself around a subject, not a discipline, Nature Energy hopes to be a home for the many different voices needed, publishing the best research and opinion on energy issues across the natural and social sciences. It also presents perspectives and opinions on different aspects of the energy system, from carbon capture and storage projects to grid balancing and storage for renewables. It wants to publish the research that matters the most to each field but that will also be of interest and influential for people working elsewhere in energy. H) Energy is an enormous but exciting field. The transition to the cleaner, greener, fairer energy system of the future is underway. Nature Energy looks forward to helping speed it along. ______1.Nature Energy hopes to serve as a forum for the spread and discussion of pressing energy questions. ______2.Energy is an important part in the development plans made for the world. ______3.Scientific researches give us great ideas of exploring new energy sources. ______4.Many factors should be taken into consideration as we plan to use new energy. ______5.How to use the solar power well is a good example of incorporating both natural and social science considerations. ______6.Carbon emissions have caused serious problems to mankind. ______7.Energy transition calls for joint efforts from many disciplines. ______8.The energy issue poses a challenge not only for the developing countries but also for the developed ones. ______9.With support, the energy industry is changing for a better future. ______10.Solar energy differs from traditional sources in that individuals can join in the production of energy.

    Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. A World in Transition A) This year opens in the wake of the 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference (COP21) and the launch of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The former sets out to reach an agreement on carbon emissions, whereas the latter aims to combat poverty and inequality while protecting the environment. Both address critical sets of challenges with profound implications for the way the world operates. And both require serious considerations about energy. B) It's clear that dealing with climate change calls for deep (and, likely, total) decarbonization of our energy system, which entails a fundamental transformation of our infrastructure. It also demands immediate and rapid action, as our window for avoiding the disastrous consequences of carbon emissions is ever shrinking. Yet at the same time, global energy demand continues to rise, particularly in emerging and developing countries, raising concerns about energy security even in the developed world, where one rarely considers that the lights may not come on when the switch is flipped. How do we meet demand and still achieve the required rapid changes when making decisions about energy supply can take years, and the development and construction of energy sources can take even longer? C) Science and technology undoubtedly play a vital role. Research efforts continue to furnish us with fresh insights into fundamental phenomena that help us develop better devices and processes for generating or storing energy. For example, new studies of photovoltaics are enabling more efficient cells to be constructed, and presenting cheaper, more flexible approaches to building them; new findings into interfacial or catalytic phenomena generate advances in storage technologies that could bolster deployment of intermittent renewables and reshape the grid; a deeper understanding of materials and chemistry can offer more efficient routes to the generation of fuels. Technology innovation brings a wealth of new applications, overcoming issues of supply or energy efficiency, allowing us to address many of the challenges we face today and hopefully many of those we aren't yet aware of. D) Yet to believe that technology alone will save us is to forget that technologies must be used by people. It is not enough to just build and implement new technologies: the way we use, interact with, and think about them is critical as well. Given several options of equal scientific merit, the choice of which to pursue depends on social, cultural, economic and political factors. Thus, we shouldn't forget that science and technology form part of a bigger and more complicated system, full of important feedbacks and loops. If we can better understand the way that individuals and societies engage with energy on different levels, we can design better tools or deploy them in more appropriate ways, reaping greater rewards. E) Consider photovoltaics. Understanding how to improve the efficiency of a solar cell is just one step in the process of increasing the use of solar power: we must also know how to build modules that are long-lasting and durable; that are cheap to produce at scale and easy to install; or that can fulfil functions that other designs can't. To make solar power competitive in the marketplace, we have to think about subsidies and what level of economic support might be required over what period. There are also issues around where to install solar panels: where are good locations, why do people object to building solar farms near to them, what motivates some people to install solar power and others to refuse to adopt it? Solar power (as well as other renewable sources like wind) also enables individuals, communities, towns and cities to power themselves independently of centralized providers and to become producers of energy as well as consumers, selling excess electricity back to the grid. This gives rise to a number of further challenges for grid operation, business models, regulation and governance. And this is all to say nothing of the additional opportunities that open up when photovoltaics are linked to other technologies, like storage or smart grids. By thinking more carefully at a systems level, combining natural and social science considerations, we can move towards a more integrated, flexible energy system that better fulfills our goals. F) No one discipline can truly claim to have all the answers to our energy challenges. What is needed is a multiplicity of voices---a combined effort from many disciplines all trying to understand how we can facilitate the energy transition but also all interacting with one another, sharing the benefits of their wisdom for the mutual good. Of course, this multitude speaks many different languages. Multi- and interdisciplinary studies ---of which there are an ever-growing number---help here by playing an increasingly important role in removing the traditional boundaries between groups and broadening the conversation. G) By orienting itself around a subject, not a discipline, Nature Energy hopes to be a home for the many different voices needed, publishing the best research and opinion on energy issues across the natural and social sciences. It also presents perspectives and opinions on different aspects of the energy system, from carbon capture and storage projects to grid balancing and storage for renewables. It wants to publish the research that matters the most to each field but that will also be of interest and influential for people working elsewhere in energy. H) Energy is an enormous but exciting field. The transition to the cleaner, greener, fairer energy system of the future is underway. Nature Energy looks forward to helping speed it along. ______1.Nature Energy hopes to serve as a forum for the spread and discussion of pressing energy questions. ______2.Energy is an important part in the development plans made for the world. ______3.Scientific researches give us great ideas of exploring new energy sources. ______4.Many factors should be taken into consideration as we plan to use new energy. ______5.How to use the solar power well is a good example of incorporating both natural and social science considerations. ______6.Carbon emissions have caused serious problems to mankind. ______7.Energy transition calls for joint efforts from many disciplines. ______8.The energy issue poses a challenge not only for the developing countries but also for the developed ones. ______9.With support, the energy industry is changing for a better future. ______10.Solar energy differs from traditional sources in that individuals can join in the production of energy.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. A World in Transition A) This year opens in the wake of the 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference (COP21) and the launch of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The former sets out to reach an agreement on carbon emissions, whereas the latter aims to combat poverty and inequality while protecting the environment. Both address critical sets of challenges with profound implications for the way the world operates. And both require serious considerations about energy. B) It's clear that dealing with climate change calls for deep (and, likely, total) decarbonization of our energy system, which entails a fundamental transformation of our infrastructure. It also demands immediate and rapid action, as our window for avoiding the disastrous consequences of carbon emissions is ever shrinking. Yet at the same time, global energy demand continues to rise, particularly in emerging and developing countries, raising concerns about energy security even in the developed world, where one rarely considers that the lights may not come on when the switch is flipped. How do we meet demand and still achieve the required rapid changes when making decisions about energy supply can take years, and the development and construction of energy sources can take even longer? C) Science and technology undoubtedly play a vital role. Research efforts continue to furnish us with fresh insights into fundamental phenomena that help us develop better devices and processes for generating or storing energy. For example, new studies of photovoltaics are enabling more efficient cells to be constructed, and presenting cheaper, more flexible approaches to building them; new findings into interfacial or catalytic phenomena generate advances in storage technologies that could bolster deployment of intermittent renewables and reshape the grid; a deeper understanding of materials and chemistry can offer more efficient routes to the generation of fuels. Technology innovation brings a wealth of new applications, overcoming issues of supply or energy efficiency, allowing us to address many of the challenges we face today and hopefully many of those we aren't yet aware of. D) Yet to believe that technology alone will save us is to forget that technologies must be used by people. It is not enough to just build and implement new technologies: the way we use, interact with, and think about them is critical as well. Given several options of equal scientific merit, the choice of which to pursue depends on social, cultural, economic and political factors. Thus, we shouldn't forget that science and technology form part of a bigger and more complicated system, full of important feedbacks and loops. If we can better understand the way that individuals and societies engage with energy on different levels, we can design better tools or deploy them in more appropriate ways, reaping greater rewards. E) Consider photovoltaics. Understanding how to improve the efficiency of a solar cell is just one step in the process of increasing the use of solar power: we must also know how to build modules that are long-lasting and durable; that are cheap to produce at scale and easy to install; or that can fulfil functions that other designs can't. To make solar power competitive in the marketplace, we have to think about subsidies and what level of economic support might be required over what period. There are also issues around where to install solar panels: where are good locations, why do people object to building solar farms near to them, what motivates some people to install solar power and others to refuse to adopt it? Solar power (as well as other renewable sources like wind) also enables individuals, communities, towns and cities to power themselves independently of centralized providers and to become producers of energy as well as consumers, selling excess electricity back to the grid. This gives rise to a number of further challenges for grid operation, business models, regulation and governance. And this is all to say nothing of the additional opportunities that open up when photovoltaics are linked to other technologies, like storage or smart grids. By thinking more carefully at a systems level, combining natural and social science considerations, we can move towards a more integrated, flexible energy system that better fulfills our goals. F) No one discipline can truly claim to have all the answers to our energy challenges. What is needed is a multiplicity of voices---a combined effort from many disciplines all trying to understand how we can facilitate the energy transition but also all interacting with one another, sharing the benefits of their wisdom for the mutual good. Of course, this multitude speaks many different languages. Multi- and interdisciplinary studies ---of which there are an ever-growing number---help here by playing an increasingly important role in removing the traditional boundaries between groups and broadening the conversation. G) By orienting itself around a subject, not a discipline, Nature Energy hopes to be a home for the many different voices needed, publishing the best research and opinion on energy issues across the natural and social sciences. It also presents perspectives and opinions on different aspects of the energy system, from carbon capture and storage projects to grid balancing and storage for renewables. It wants to publish the research that matters the most to each field but that will also be of interest and influential for people working elsewhere in energy. H) Energy is an enormous but exciting field. The transition to the cleaner, greener, fairer energy system of the future is underway. Nature Energy looks forward to helping speed it along. ______11.Nature Energy hopes to serve as a forum for the spread and discussion of pressing energy questions. ______12.Energy is an important part in the development plans made for the world. ______13.Scientific researches give us great ideas of exploring new energy sources. ______14.Many factors should be taken into consideration as we plan to use new energy. ______15.How to use the solar power well is a good example of incorporating both natural and social science considerations. ______16.Carbon emissions have caused serious problems to mankind. ______17.Energy transition calls for joint efforts from many disciplines. ______18.The energy issue poses a challenge not only for the developing countries but also for the developed ones. ______19.With support, the energy industry is changing for a better future. ______20.Solar energy differs from traditional sources in that individuals can join in the production of energy.

    Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. A World in Transition A) This year opens in the wake of the 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference (COP21) and the launch of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The former sets out to reach an agreement on carbon emissions, whereas the latter aims to combat poverty and inequality while protecting the environment. Both address critical sets of challenges with profound implications for the way the world operates. And both require serious considerations about energy. B) It's clear that dealing with climate change calls for deep (and, likely, total) decarbonization of our energy system, which entails a fundamental transformation of our infrastructure. It also demands immediate and rapid action, as our window for avoiding the disastrous consequences of carbon emissions is ever shrinking. Yet at the same time, global energy demand continues to rise, particularly in emerging and developing countries, raising concerns about energy security even in the developed world, where one rarely considers that the lights may not come on when the switch is flipped. How do we meet demand and still achieve the required rapid changes when making decisions about energy supply can take years, and the development and construction of energy sources can take even longer? C) Science and technology undoubtedly play a vital role. Research efforts continue to furnish us with fresh insights into fundamental phenomena that help us develop better devices and processes for generating or storing energy. For example, new studies of photovoltaics are enabling more efficient cells to be constructed, and presenting cheaper, more flexible approaches to building them; new findings into interfacial or catalytic phenomena generate advances in storage technologies that could bolster deployment of intermittent renewables and reshape the grid; a deeper understanding of materials and chemistry can offer more efficient routes to the generation of fuels. Technology innovation brings a wealth of new applications, overcoming issues of supply or energy efficiency, allowing us to address many of the challenges we face today and hopefully many of those we aren't yet aware of. D) Yet to believe that technology alone will save us is to forget that technologies must be used by people. It is not enough to just build and implement new technologies: the way we use, interact with, and think about them is critical as well. Given several options of equal scientific merit, the choice of which to pursue depends on social, cultural, economic and political factors. Thus, we shouldn't forget that science and technology form part of a bigger and more complicated system, full of important feedbacks and loops. If we can better understand the way that individuals and societies engage with energy on different levels, we can design better tools or deploy them in more appropriate ways, reaping greater rewards. E) Consider photovoltaics. Understanding how to improve the efficiency of a solar cell is just one step in the process of increasing the use of solar power: we must also know how to build modules that are long-lasting and durable; that are cheap to produce at scale and easy to install; or that can fulfil functions that other designs can't. To make solar power competitive in the marketplace, we have to think about subsidies and what level of economic support might be required over what period. There are also issues around where to install solar panels: where are good locations, why do people object to building solar farms near to them, what motivates some people to install solar power and others to refuse to adopt it? Solar power (as well as other renewable sources like wind) also enables individuals, communities, towns and cities to power themselves independently of centralized providers and to become producers of energy as well as consumers, selling excess electricity back to the grid. This gives rise to a number of further challenges for grid operation, business models, regulation and governance. And this is all to say nothing of the additional opportunities that open up when photovoltaics are linked to other technologies, like storage or smart grids. By thinking more carefully at a systems level, combining natural and social science considerations, we can move towards a more integrated, flexible energy system that better fulfills our goals. F) No one discipline can truly claim to have all the answers to our energy challenges. What is needed is a multiplicity of voices---a combined effort from many disciplines all trying to understand how we can facilitate the energy transition but also all interacting with one another, sharing the benefits of their wisdom for the mutual good. Of course, this multitude speaks many different languages. Multi- and interdisciplinary studies ---of which there are an ever-growing number---help here by playing an increasingly important role in removing the traditional boundaries between groups and broadening the conversation. G) By orienting itself around a subject, not a discipline, Nature Energy hopes to be a home for the many different voices needed, publishing the best research and opinion on energy issues across the natural and social sciences. It also presents perspectives and opinions on different aspects of the energy system, from carbon capture and storage projects to grid balancing and storage for renewables. It wants to publish the research that matters the most to each field but that will also be of interest and influential for people working elsewhere in energy. H) Energy is an enormous but exciting field. The transition to the cleaner, greener, fairer energy system of the future is underway. Nature Energy looks forward to helping speed it along. ______11.Nature Energy hopes to serve as a forum for the spread and discussion of pressing energy questions. ______12.Energy is an important part in the development plans made for the world. ______13.Scientific researches give us great ideas of exploring new energy sources. ______14.Many factors should be taken into consideration as we plan to use new energy. ______15.How to use the solar power well is a good example of incorporating both natural and social science considerations. ______16.Carbon emissions have caused serious problems to mankind. ______17.Energy transition calls for joint efforts from many disciplines. ______18.The energy issue poses a challenge not only for the developing countries but also for the developed ones. ______19.With support, the energy industry is changing for a better future. ______20.Solar energy differs from traditional sources in that individuals can join in the production of energy.

  • 1