• 2022-06-03
    Which of the following is not the clinical features of severe COVID 19? ()
    A: The high fever persists
    B: Respiratory distress, RR≥30 times / min
    C: Oxygen saturation≤93% at rest
    D: Arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) / concentration of oxygen
    (FiO2) ≤ 300mmHg
    E: Lung imaging showed that the lesion progressed to > 50% within
    24-48 hours
  • A


    • 0

      The reliable variables reflecting tissue perfusion are () A: Central venous pressure B: Mean arterial pressure C: Systemic vascular resistance D: Venous oxygen saturation E: Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure

    • 1

      What causes fetal distress?( ) A: bleeding B: lack of oxygen delivered to baby C: high blood pressure D: breech position

    • 2

      Hypotonic hypoxemia causes tissue hypoxia and its arterial blood<br/>oxygen partial pressure must be lower than () A: 12.0<br/>kPa, 90mmHg B: 10.7<br/>kPa, 80mmHg C: 9.3<br/>kPa, 70mmHg D: 8.0<br/>kPa, 60mmHg E: 6.7<br/>kPa, 50mmHg

    • 3

      The oxygen equipment made it possible for climbers to rest very high altitudes.

    • 4

      Which of the following is not the clinical manifestation of DIC? A: Hemolytic anemia B: bleeding C: Tissue hypoxia D: acute respiratory distress E: Severe renal dysfunction