Prometheus '( ) was miraculously restored after the bloodthirsty eagle ate it everyday.
- Haphaestus, god of fire, fasten Prometheus to a steep cliff by a never-failing chain, and sent a bloodthirsty eagle to peck at his liver everyday.
- In Greek mythology, __________ had a reputation as being something of a clever trickster and he famously gave the human race the gift of fire and the skill of metalwork, an action for which he was punished by Zeus, who ensured everyday that an eagle ate the liver of the Titan as he was helplessly chained to a rock. A: Atlas B: Prometheus C: Hercules D: Cyclops
- Zeus punished Prometheus for his stealing fire and giving to humanity by chaining Prometheus on Mount Caucasus where the eagle would eat his liver forever.
- Doing sports everyday restored the old man good health. A: / B: to C: on D: for
- After a week in bed, she was fully restored __ health._