• 2022-05-31
    Which poet is widely known as “Buddhist poet”? ( )
    A: Du Fu.
    B: Wang Wei.
    C: Li Shangyin.
    D: Wang Bo.
  • B


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      “劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。”出自( )的名句。 A: Li Po B: Wang Changling C: Wang Wei D: Du Mu

    • 1

      Which of the following is the great romantic poet of our country? A: Du fu B: Li Qingzhao C: Liu Yong D: Li Bai

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      The famous poet Du Fu of the Tang Dynasty is known as the “immortal of wine”.

    • 3

      “小李杜”指() A: Li<br/>Bai、Du<br/>Fu B: Li<br/>Bai、Du Mu C: Li<br/>Shangyin、Du Mu D: Li<br/>Shangyin、Du<br/>Fu

    • 4

      Li Bai who, was regarded as " Immortal Poet " in the Tang Dynasty. He and Du Fu were together called “Li Du”.