• 2022-05-31
    The strain measured by the resistance strain gauge is
    A: the average strain in sensitive grid area
    B: the average strain in base area of the strain gauge
    C: the strain at the center of the sensitive grid
    D: the average strain at the two ends of the sensitive grid length
  • A


    • 0

      名词解释:strain in compression

    • 1

      When a shaft having a circular cross section is subjected to a torque, the cross section remains plane while radial lines rotate. This causes a ( ) within the material that varies ( ) along any ( ) line. A: shear strain; linearly; radial B: normal strain; linearly; radial C: shear strain; nonlinearly; radial D: shear strain; nonlinearly; longitudinal

    • 2

      The representative strain that can represent the typical characteristics of a strain is called ( ). A: Model species B: Typical species C: Representative species D: Reference species

    • 3

      智慧职教: Further strain __________ further swelling.

    • 4

      The maximum strain in the tension reinforcement in the section at failure is()