• 2021-04-14
    Which of the following statements is correct ? (1) There are two types of strains, linear strain(ε) and shearstrain(γ). (2) Strain is dimensionless. (3) If all parts of the object are not deformed, the strain at all points in the body is zero. (4) If the strain of each point is zero, the object has no displacement.
  • (1), (2), (3)


    • 0

      Which of the following factors contribute to the displacements of a material point? ‍ A: Rigid-body translations B: Rigid-body rotations C: Strain deformations D: None

    • 1

      Further strain

    • 2

      The synonym of "strain" is ______.

    • 3

      Normal strain cause a change in of the rectangular element, whereas the shear strain cause a change in its .

    • 4

      变形的英文表达为 A: Deformation B: Stress C: Strain D: Displacement