• 2022-05-31
    The three kinds of coal desulfurization process are ( )
    A: Oxidative desulfurization(ODS)
    B: Biological desulfurization(BDS)
    C: Hydrodesulfurization(HDS)
  • A,B,C


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      What are the three kinds of quotations?_

    • 1

      Three kinds of phonological processes are 1) __________, 2) ____________, 3)___________.

    • 2

      There are three kinds of language in the Middle Ages. They are Norman-French, _____ and English.

    • 3

      Victorian Literature mainly include three kinds: _____,_____ and_____.

    • 4

      These renewable feed-stocks are most often associated with biological and plant based starting materials, including: A: Agricultural wastes B: Saw dust C: Carbon dioxide D: Coal