• 2022-05-31
    The structure formed by the abdomen oblique tendon is ()
    A: Inguinal ligament
    B: Deep ring
    C: cremaster muscle
    D: Joint tendon
    E: Belly ring
  • A


    • 0

      The tendon passing through shoulder articular capsule is the() A: supraspinous muscle tendon B: infraspinous muscle tendon C: long head tendon of triceps brachii D: long head tendon of biceps brachii E: short head tendon of biceps brachii

    • 1

      The properties of the tendon reflex do not include A: polysynaptic refelx B: predominant in flexor C: the sensory receptor is deep tendon organ D: could be induced by gravity of the muscle

    • 2

      deep inguinal ring ()<br/>A. also known as outer ring A: in<br/>front of it, there is transverse abdominal muscles B: about<br/>3 ~ 4cm infrolateral to pubic tubercle C: its<br/>outer wall is formed by obliquus internus abdominis D: formed by protruding transverse fascia

    • 3

      The tendon that passes through the shoulder articular capsule is the ____. A: supraspinous muscle tendon B: long head tendon of triceps brachii C: long head tendon of biceps brachii D: short head tendon of biceps brachii

    • 4

      The combining form " fibro/o " means. A: fiber B: disease C: tendon D: ligament