• 2022-05-31
    Which of the followings are monosaccharide?
    A: Fructose
    B: Glucose
    C: Sucrose
    D: Galactose
  • A,B,D


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      Which of the following statements is true? A. Fructose is used as a fuel by many tissues including muscleB. The only two organs that release glucose into the bloodstream are liver and small intestine A: A is true, B is true B: A is false, B is false C: A is false, B is true D: A is true, B is false

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      5. Of the same concentration, which one has higher viscosity? A: Monosaccharide; B: Polysaccharide; C: Disaccharide; D: Trisaccharide

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      Under the same concentration, which one has higher viscosity? A: Monosaccharide B: Polysaccharide C: Disaccharide D: Trisaccharide

    • 3

      Which test can reflect the blood glucose level of patients in 8-12 weeks before blood collection? A: Glycosuria/ Glucose in urine B: Random blood glucose/GLU C: Oral glucose tolerance test/OGTT D: Glycosylated hemoglobin

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      which of the followings are right?