• 2022-05-31
    Social class is the fundamental determinant of a person's wants and behavior.
  • 错误


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      29.The(grow) ________ of online shopping is producing a fundamental change in consumer behavior.

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      Why is social behavior difficult to change A: One's behavior is inborn so that nothing can be done about it. B: One's behavior is instinctive so that he/she can't act differently. C: One's behavior is taught from childhood so that it is fixed as normal in his/her childhood. D: If one never changes his/her geographical dwelling, his/her social behavior can never be change

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      A person’s behavior which is regarded appropriate in one’s own culture might be inappropriate in other cultures.

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      1. The person in dialogue 1 wants to go to the _______________.2. The person in dialogue 2 wants to go to the ______.3. The person in dialogue 3 wants to go to the ______________________.

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      1959年,()专门针对《Verbal Behavior》这本书写了一篇文章,叫A Review of B. F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior.