In order to ensure the reliability of prestressed concrete axial tension members, in addition to the calculation of bearing capacity and crack control, the calculation of bearing capacity in construction stage and the local pressure of concrete at the end of post-tensioning members should also be carried out.
- When calculating the bearing capacity of members under combined load of shear and torsion, the interaction relation between shear and torsion should be considered for concrete bearing capacity while the reinforcement bearing capacity is just the linear superposition of shear bearing capacity and torsional bearing capacity of reinforcement.
- In the calculation equation [img=235x39]1803b953831b0d6.png[/img] of normal section bearing capacity for axial compressed members, the coefficient 0.9 means ( ). A: the partial coefficient B: the reliability adjustment coefficient C: the combination coefficient D: the empirical coefficient
- In the calculation of the bearing capacity of the normal section of a doubly reinforced concrete rectangular beam, the reason for the condition [img=63x27]1803b953249aa8d.png[/img] should be satisfied is to ( ). A: ensure the simplification of the calculation diagram B: avoid the occurrence of the over-reinforced failure C: ensure the compressive reinforcements yield at the failure of the beam D: ensure the tensile reinforcements yield at the failure of the beam
- Since concrete is a kind of elastoplastic materials, when calculating the torsional bearing capacity of plain concrete member, elastic analysis method should be adopted.
- Since concrete is a kind of elastoplastic materials, when calculating the torsional bearing capacity of plain concrete member, elastic analysis method should be adopted. A: 正确 B: 错误