• 2022-06-03
    Mr. Lang was paid much because ()
    A: he was a driver
    B: he worked in a factory
    C: he had a lot of work to do
    D: he had worked there for a long time
  • C


    • 0

      Mr. Smith _______with the government for 40 years by the time he retired. A: would have worked B: has worked C: could have worked D: had worked

    • 1

      23.What had the man done before he started the shoe-making company? A: He had started five companies. B: He had worked as a technician. C: He had worked in South America. D: He had taught five media courses.

    • 2

      Had he worked harder, he the exams.

    • 3

      If he had worked harder, he ____ the exams.

    • 4

      Had he worked harder, he ________________________ (通过了考试).