• 2022-06-03
    has many Type A personality traits. That means Amanda is more likely
    to () than someone who isn't Type A personality
    A: suffer
    from heart disease
    B: Have
    colds and the flu
    C: Have
    an accident
    D: suffer
    from cancer
  • A


    • 0

      Girls are more likely to suffer from ______ than boys.

    • 1

      A<br/>protolanguage is the ancestral language from which related languages<br/>have developed.(<br/>)

    • 2

      The home improvements have taken what little there is _______ my spare time.[br][/br] [br][/br] A: from B: in C: of D: at

    • 3

      board( ) A: to have one's name<br/>put in an official __________; enroll. B: to leave (someone<br/>or something) with no intention of returning or taking up possession<br/>again. C: a committee;<br/>council. D: a state of freedom<br/>from war or hostility.

    • 4

      satisfaction <br/>( ) A: the work a<br/>person does to earn a living; profession. B: a pleasant<br/>feeling that comes from completing something and doing it well. C: almost; just<br/>about but not quite. D: to have a low<br/>opinion of someone or something; not approve (often followed by<br/>"of").