Feel free to express your bold or unusual opinions with any type of phrase, mark, or sign that conveys your attitude. In this case, you are using the annotations to evaluate.
- Through annotations to clarify, you may recognize your reactions and express them in writing.
- When you attend a meeting, you should learn what is going on first, and then express your opinions accordingly.
- Dont be afraid. You can express your disagreement without any ______.
- Please choose the right translation of “能飞多高,不在天赋,而在态度。”? It is not your altitude, but your attitude that decides your aptitude.|It is not your attitude, but your aptitude that decides your altitude.|It is not your aptitude, but your altitude that decides your attitude.|It is not your aptitude, but your attitude that decides your altitude.
- It is absolutely forbidden to make any on your new desks. A: signal B: code C: sign D: mark