Life's poetic 译为:人生自有诗意.
- Earlier in the nineteenth century, Cooper had insisted on the author’s right to present an idealized and poetic portrait of life, to avoid representations of “squalid misery”. ( )
- Which was Shelley’s poetic drama?
- “人生天地之间,若白驹过隙,忽然而已”出自庄周的《知北游》,形容时间过得极快。这句话可以翻译为( )。 A: Man's life between rich and poor is like a white colt's passing a crevice; it suddenly disappears B: Man's life between good and bad is like a white colt's passing a crevice; it suddenly disappears C: Man's life between heaven and earth is like a white colt's passing a crevice; it suddenly disappears D: Man's life between human and god is like a white colt's passing a crevice; it suddenly disappears
- In Byron's poetic works, he characterize...tion" called ______.
- “留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。” 可翻译为 While there is life there is hope.