• 2022-06-01
    which is the most importance Prevention of vitamin K deficiency
    bleeding ()()
    A: oral
    vitamin K
    B: Fresh
    frozen plasma
    C: intramuscular
    vitamin K after birth
    D: prothrombin
    complex concentrates
  • B,C,D


    • 0

      Nutritional<br/>supplements she should begin before she gets pregnant include which<br/>of the following() A: Folate<br/>to reduce neural tube defects B: Vitamin<br/>B12 to<br/>increase RBC production prior to pregnancy C: Vitamin<br/>B1 to<br/>reduce beriberi D: Vitamin<br/>C to reduce scurvy E: No<br/>supplementation is necessary until pregnancy is confirmed

    • 1

      When treating the tenany of vitamin D deficiency,which needs to be<br/>done first?() A: Controlling seizure or laryngospasm B: Calcium supplementation C: Vitamin D supplementation D: Anti-infection E: Anti-virus

    • 2

      Which vitamin belowing is destroyed in cereals or toast when cooked with baking soda.(<br/>) A: vitamin B1 B: vitaminB6 C: vitamin B12 D: Niacin acid

    • 3

      Usually<br/>what is the recommmended daily dose of vitamin D for VD deficiency<br/>patients?() A: 2000IU B: 1000IU C: 800IU D: 400IU E: 200IU

    • 4

      According to preliminary clinical research, what may be caused by vitamin K deficiency?