• 2022-06-01
    Food should be taken ______
    A: from the side of the spoon
    B: from the tip of the spoon
    C: from either side or tip of the spoon
    D: with the spoon into the mouth
  • B


    • 0

      "Silver spoon" refers to people who _________.

    • 1

      Knife and spoon are placed to the left of the plate.( )

    • 2

      He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has never worked in his life, whereas Mary was born with a wooden spoon in her mouth. A: 生于富贵之家 B: 生于官宦之家 C: 生于书香之家 D: 生于贫困之家

    • 3

      Anything that's served in a bowl should be eaten with a ( ). A: fork B: knife C: spoon D: chopstick

    • 4

      General rule on the table may_________. A: speak when there is food in your mouth B: Don’t have a full mouth of food C: When scooping soup, use the serving spoon D: When others are chewing food, you can talk with them