cultural ( )
A: (usually plural)
pieces of deep-__________ potato.
B: situated in,
directed towards, coming from, or relating to the south.
C: of or pertaining
to culture.
D: to damage beyond
repair; ruin.
A: (usually plural)
pieces of deep-__________ potato.
B: situated in,
directed towards, coming from, or relating to the south.
C: of or pertaining
to culture.
D: to damage beyond
repair; ruin.
- resident( ) A: a structural<br/>element, usually of masonry, that is curved and used to span an open<br/>space such as a door. B: ground beef in<br/>bulk or in a patty, or the sandwich in which such meat is commonly<br/>served. C: living somewhere<br/>temporarily while studying or discharging business. D: situated in,<br/>directed towards, coming from, or relating to the south.
- Some art works and literature are beyond our understanding, so they belong to deep culture. (<br/>)
- Turbidostatic<br/>culture control to achieve the purpose of continuous culture.( ) A: the<br/>culture density B: Carbon<br/>source concentration C: Culture<br/>temperature D: Metabolite<br/>production
- medical ( ) A: incapacitated,<br/>usually physically, by a __________ or congenital condition or an<br/>accident; handicapped. B: in bad health;<br/>ill; sickly. C: of or relating to<br/>the study or practice of medicine. D: excessive body<br/>weight.
- Research<br/>into the dynamics of storms is directed toward improving the ability<br/>to predict these events ____<br/>to minimize damage and avoid loss of life. A: and thus B: so C: however D: because