medical ( )
A: incapacitated,
usually physically, by a __________ or congenital condition or an
accident; handicapped.
B: in bad health;
ill; sickly.
C: of or relating to
the study or practice of medicine.
D: excessive body
A: incapacitated,
usually physically, by a __________ or congenital condition or an
accident; handicapped.
B: in bad health;
ill; sickly.
C: of or relating to
the study or practice of medicine.
D: excessive body
- rate ( ) A: incapacitated,<br/>usually physically, by a medical or congenital condition or an<br/>accident; handicapped. B: a place where<br/>plants or trees are cultivated, often for sale. C: the heaviness of<br/>an object, especially as expressed in terms of a recognized system of<br/>measurement. D: a measured part<br/>calculated with regard to the whole; proportion.
- weight ( ) A: the heaviness of<br/>an object, especially as expressed in terms of a recognized system of<br/>measurement. B: a display of<br/>information in graphic or tabular form. C: excessive body<br/>__________. D: a place where<br/>plants or trees are cultivated, often for sale.
- 医学文献检索领域里最具权威性的主题词表()是美国国立医学图书馆()编制的,其英文名为(<br/>)。 A: Medical<br/>Headings of Subject B: Subject<br/>Headings Medicine C: Subject<br/>Headings of Medicine D: Medical<br/>Subject Headings
- cultural ( ) A: (usually plural)<br/>pieces of deep-__________ potato. B: situated in,<br/>directed towards, coming from, or relating to the south. C: of or pertaining<br/>to culture. D: to damage beyond<br/>repair; ruin.
- The<br/>situation of AB>SB<br/>means ( ) A: HCO3-<br/>retention B: Excessive<br/>HCO3- excretion C: CO2<br/>retention D: Excessive<br/>CO2 expiration E: Fixed<br/>acid retention