• 2022-05-31
    The _____ by which an aircraft avoids obstacles or other aircraft is termed separation.
  • distance


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      Which aircraft is not belonged to narrow-body aircraft? A: A320 B: L1011 Tristar C: F100 D: AN-72

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      To operate safely in IMC, a pilot controls the aircraft relying on ______, and ATC provides separation. A: instruments B: senses C: visual cues D: experience

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      A mechanic or other person does not have the right to taxi an aircraft on the ground.

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      At the airport, I could hear nothing except the roar of aircraft engines which _____ all other sounds. A: diminished B: drowned C: dwarfed D: devastated

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      In the airport. I could hear nothing except the roar of aircraft engines which() all other sounds. A: dwarfed B: diminished C: drowned D: devastated