• 2022-06-01
    Another term for identical twins is ______.
    A: fraternal twins
    B: mirror twins
    C: single-egg twins
    D: separate-egg twins
  • C


    • 0

      . Although they are identical twins their parents can easily ______ between them.

    • 1

      What is the purpose of the example about the identical twins, Peter and Mark() A: To show that twins have identical IQs. B: To show how vital environment is in fostering one’s intelligence. C: To show how critical human brains are in determining one’s intelligence. D: To show that twins’ IQs are independent of the education they receive.

    • 2

      Twins often show great ______, but these twins are an exception. A: likelihood B: resistance C: resemblance D: contradiction

    • 3

      The twins _______ beautiful.

    • 4

      The twins( ) in Dalian last year.They ( ) here now. The twins( ) in Dalian last year.They ( ) here now.