• 2022-06-01
    A: 掉入
    B: 装满
    C: 填表
    D: 摔下
  • C


    • 0


    • 1

      Fillin eachblank with "catch", "keep", "talk", or "make" in the word's proper form.

    • 2

      Fillin the blanks with the propertense form of thegiven verbs.1. Patience______(wear) out stones.

    • 3

      Fillin the blanks with the most appropriate words or phrases.Anarchitectural drawing or an architect's drawing is ________________________.

    • 4

      工程量清单应采用统一格式,其内容有()。 A: 填表须知 B: 填表规则 C: 总说明 D: 分部分项工程量清单 E: 措施项目清单