• 2022-06-01
    A: Memory Channel
    B: File Channel
    C: JDBC Channel
    D: HDFS Channel
  • D


    • 0

      Which of the following are the channels at the customs? A: the red channel B: the yellow channel C: the green channel D: the blue channel

    • 1

      Medicinals which can treat the cough usually act on A: The spleen channel B: The lung channel C: The liver channel D: The heart channel E: The kidney channel

    • 2

      When underway in a channel,you should keep to the(). A: Middle of the channel B: Starboard side of the channel C: Port side of the channel D: Side of the channel that has the widest tur

    • 3

      下面关于File channel 描述,错误的是() A: File channel 将数据持久化到磁盘 B: File channel 的dataDirs 参数,可以配置多个目录,能提高它的吞吐量 C: File channel 的 checkpointDir 保存的是其内存队列的数据,表示的是还没有被sink 端take 走的数据在磁盘的保存位置信息 D: File channel 的吞吐量比memory channel的吞吐量高

    • 4

      The stomach channel connect with the spleen channel in the .