• 2022-06-01
    In what cases, do placebos work better?
    A: The patient has a lot of trust in the doctor.
    B: The doctor really wants to help the patient.
    C: The placebo looks exactly like the real medicine.
    D: The patient doesn't believe he will get better.
  • A,B


    • 0

      Which of the following may be one of the doctor’s duties A: See to it that the patient gets well as soon as possible B: Make sure that the patient doesn' t enjoy himself too much C: Ask the patient to be cooperative in the treatment D: Perceive the patient as eager to get well

    • 1

      What does the doctor recommend the patient?

    • 2

      Doctor: ()You look terrible! Patient: Oh, doctor, help me. I have a bad headache and a sore throat. I can’t do anything.

    • 3

      Patient: I couldn’t sleep well. Doctor: Let me____________ some medicine for you.

    • 4

      What does a patient tell a doctor is confidential.